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Monthly Subscription - 12 Farm Fresh Eggs

Keep your egg supply flowing with the Remedy Farm Egg Subscription! Our on-farm pick up allows you to get eggs whenever is most convenient for you. Plus, meeting the chickens & visiting the farm is a great bonus!

Monthly Subscription - 12 Farm Fresh Eggs

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Eggs for the Month!
$6.00every month until canceled
  • Our hens free-range all day on our green pastures. This helps them maintain their natural diet of insects, worms and vegetation. We also provide them with a high quality, non-GMO feed from a local mill.


    You may notice that egg yolks from our hens are a bright, golden yellow - almost orange, sometimes! This is the result of their low-stress free-ranging environment and premium nutrition.


    Their healthier eggs make for a healthier you!


    Please know that supply is limited at this time. We will let you know as soon as possible if your order cannot be fulfilled. 

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